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Anna Kaiser und Jana Tepe

Until 2013 Anna Kaiser and Jana Tepe worked in a recruiting firm for the digital world. They reviewed applications, matched qualified candidates with open positions and consulted companies that were searching for digital heads. One day an application landed on their desks that was different than what they had seen before. Two women were applying for one position as a Job Sharing tandem. Anna and Jana were thrilled. Two days later they quit their jobs and started Tandemploy, a platform for people that want to share their job with a tandem partner. Only weeks later, Anna and Jana were among the pioneers of the “New Work” movement. Media inquiries and speaker slots soon followed. Large companies suddenly became interested in New Work, not only because they realized that their previous structures are immobile, but also because they are unattractive for new talents. The deeper Anna and Jana delved into the topic of “New Work”, the clearer it became that something urgently needed to change. Since 2016, the team, which since has grown to 30 people, has been developing exactly that - highly innovative and disruptive Enterprise software that breaks down the established structures in companies by connecting employees for collaborative forms of work and learning. Large corporations as well as medium- sized companies use Tandemploy’s Talent Marketplace fully aware that the often-invoked change cannot come from the outside alone, but must primarily arise within the organization itself. Digitization will change the economy to an extent that can hardly be envisioned today. And so the motto for Tandemploy is as follows: Stay flexible without losing sight of your own vision.