The Transformation of Traditional Insurers (In the Digital Age)

I. The slow wheels of change in the insurance industry Insurance companies have played a key role in economic and social life for centuries. By...

Interview with Alexander Osterwalder- Business Model Canvas

Please explain in three sentences, what the Business Model Canvas is. The Business Modell Canvas is, simply said, a way of visually depicting business models....

“Ultimately, the aim is to develop a corporate culture in which...

Antoinette Hunziker-Ebneter and her company Forma Futura Invest AG was one of the first companies to invest exclusively in sustainable companies. However, the former...

Wie wir unsere Handelsbeziehungen durch interessengetriebene Politik stärken – Interview mit Simone...

Frau Menne, nach Ihren Stationen bei der Lufthansa und Boehringer Ingelheim sind Sie nun Vorsitzende des American Chamber of Commerce in Deutschland. Was waren...

Winning in Africa: From Trading Posts to Ecosystems

Embracing Africa Mostly ignored since the 1980s, Africa is now gaining attention and investment from multinational companies. Growth rates on the continent are rising, some...

The Bright Future of Digital Publishing

Technological advances have caused a paradigm shift in the way we consume news. But as long as we retain the core values of editorial...

Warum sich junge Führungskräfte in die Debatte um unsere Zukunft einmischen...

Die Perspektive der nächsten Generation unternehmerischer Entscheidungsträger würde die Debatte über die drängenden Herausforderungen unserer Zeit bereichern. Mein Appell an die Führungskräfte von morgen:...

Über die Schweizer Wettbewerbsfähigkeit im internationalen Vergleich und die Aussichten des...

Was motiviert Sie morgens aufzustehen und zur Arbeit zu gehen?  Ich will jeden Tag dazulernen und das, was ich gemeinsam mit unserem Team mache, jeden...

“Nobody shrinks his way to greatness”

Dr. Alexander Dibelius started his career as a heart surgeon, then switched to consulting before he worked for Goldman Sachs for 23 years, most...

Father and Daughter: a good team for a company succession

According to the IfM Bonn between 2014 and 2018 approx. 27,000 companies will be looking for a successor in Germany every year. Only...