Business Eco-Systems als Change Treiber in der Versicherungswelt – Wie die...

Autoren: Dr. Bernhard Lingens (Universität St. Gallen/ Leiter Helvetia Innovation Lab), Dr. Uwe Bartsch (Leiter Venturing and Eco-Systems, Helvetia) Business Eco-Systems als Wachstums- und...

Work-life balance is an investment in the future

Top graduates want an exciting job with attractive career prospects, but they also desire time for themselves and their families. This applies as much...

People first! Das ist der primäre Fokus – Patrick Warnking im...

Sie haben bereits an vielen Orten auf der Welt gearbeitet. Wo sind entscheidende Unterschiede in der Arbeitskultur und woran könnte man sich in der...

The Mona Lisa is not a great artwork.

What makes an artist successful? It’s the network she is in. Multiple dependencies govern how the art world places value on an individual work....

The Bright Future of Digital Publishing

Technological advances have caused a paradigm shift in the way we consume news. But as long as we retain the core values of editorial...

Development of individuality and identity in start-ups: A future challenge for...

Business ideas often occur at the same time in the digital economy. And that is not a coincidence. Even if you start with comparable...

The Best of both Worlds

Since Henkel went public in 1985, total revenue has nearly quadrupled and the workforce has grown from 31,000 to about 50,000 employees worldwide. The concept that...

Interview mit Valentin Stalf CEO N26

In diesem Interview spricht N26-Mitgründer Valentin Stalf über sein Fintech, warum Amerika ein so verlockender Markt ist, wie die Bankenregulierung anders gestaltet werden sollte...

“Most important is to solve any health topics in our societies...

At PwC, your responsibilities include innovation, corporate management and leadership. To what extent has the business leader of 10 years ago changed compared to...

Ethical Investments

In this article, monk and best-selling author Dr. Anselm Grün gives a spiritual and ethical perspective on capital, how he makes his investment decisions...