Investieren in die Anlageklasse Infrastruktur

Im zurückliegenden Jahr waren die Energiemärkte vor viele unbekannte Herausforderungen gestellt. Sie befassen sich bei Energy Infrastructure Partners bereits seit 2014 mit kritischer Infrastruktur....

The Bright Future of Digital Publishing

Technological advances have caused a paradigm shift in the way we consume news. But as long as we retain the core values of editorial...

Tomorrow’s Leadership – Creating Shared Value at the core

Corporate Social Responsibility has now moved from being a hot topic to a globally accepted business practice. This is very positive. But, if we...

Innovation networks: Rethinking the company

Introduction: Companies need to rethink themselves When are large companies formed? Ultimately, whenever there are clear requirements in society, for which clever people...

People first! Das ist der primäre Fokus – Patrick Warnking im...

Sie haben bereits an vielen Orten auf der Welt gearbeitet. Wo sind entscheidende Unterschiede in der Arbeitskultur und woran könnte man sich in der...

Playboy: Modest Bunnies – An Interview with CFO Christoph M. Pachler

Christoph M. Pachler is the Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer for Playboy Enterprises. Pachler joined Playboy in 2010 and is responsible for...

Capital for Purpose – But What Kind of Capital?

Youplus, an insurance company as a network As a young insurance company, we are revolutionizing the way we think about insurance. Starting in Eastern Europe...

Interview mit Peter Tschirky – CEO des Grand Resort Bad Ragaz

Herr Tschirky – Seit 2006 sind Sie CEO des Grand Resort Bad Ragaz – vorher haben Sie viele Jahre für Starwood Hotels auf...

“Most important is to solve any health topics in our societies...

At PwC, your responsibilities include innovation, corporate management and leadership. To what extent has the business leader of 10 years ago changed compared to...

Interview with Alexander Osterwalder- Business Model Canvas

Please explain in three sentences, what the Business Model Canvas is. The Business Modell Canvas is, simply said, a way of visually depicting business models....