For a new kind of interaction between man and machine

It’s a given that the automobile industry is currently undergoing the biggest change in its history – and the pace of change is actually...

Interview with Max Wittrock

Max, since your company went online in 2007 some time has already passed by and much has been written about mymuesli’s success story already....

Fasten your Seatbelt

SWISS is proud to be The Airline of Switzerland. We create value for our customers by offering a distinctly “Swiss” air travel experience. Throughout...

The Family Firm: An exercise in harmonization

Family Firms are the Majority The overwhelming majority of companies in the world are family firms. Family firms are those in which a family exercises...

TEDXHSG: An Interview with the Organizers of TEDxHSG 2016

What is the TED Philosophy and what role does the “x” factor play? All: TED was founded 1984 as a conference where technology, entertainment...

Gesundheit, Geld und Wirtschaft

Sommer 2016. Ein gutes Jahr vor der nächsten Bundestagswahl zeigen sich zunehmend öfter Vorboten des beginnenden Wahlkampfes. Die Parteien besetzen erste Themenfelder, auf denen...

Unternehmertum und Ambition: Europa hat viel aufzuholen

Unternehmertum ist die wichtigste Triebfeder unserer Wirtschaft. Menschen, die es wagen, die Sicherheit eines Angestelltenjobs zu verlassen und ihre eigene Firma zu gründen, sind...

Making Deals Successful

Making Deals Successful Why do certain transactions pay off and others don’t? Is integration success blind luck or a manageable and transparent process? These were...

Über die Schweizer Wettbewerbsfähigkeit im internationalen Vergleich und die Aussichten des...

Was motiviert Sie morgens aufzustehen und zur Arbeit zu gehen?  Ich will jeden Tag dazulernen und das, was ich gemeinsam mit unserem Team mache, jeden...

Work-life balance is an investment in the future

Top graduates want an exciting job with attractive career prospects, but they also desire time for themselves and their families. This applies as much...