Interview with Max Wittrock
Max, since your company went online in 2007 some time has already passed by and much has been written about mymuesli’s success story already....
More women in leadership positions!
In her book ‘Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead’, Sheryl Sandberg writes “In the future, there will be no female leaders. There...
Selbstcoaching – aus Potentialen wird Performance
Wir alle stehen im Studium oder Berufsleben ständig vor schwierigen Entscheidungen, vor gewollten oder ungewollten Veränderungen. Man befindet sich dann in einer Phase der...
Interview with Nils Ole Oermann
In your book „Tod eines Investmentbankers“ you describe and analyse the life and work of former Deutsche Bank CEO Edson Mitchell and you...
Keeping the Competitive Edge
The Swiss economy has been under unprecedented pressure in recent years, staying competitive has become all the more difficult. National branding and Export promotion...