Selbstcoaching – aus Potentialen wird Performance

Wir alle stehen im Studium oder Berufsleben ständig vor schwierigen Entscheidungen, vor gewollten oder ungewollten Veränderungen. Man befindet sich dann in einer Phase der...

Individuality makes the difference

“Following paths as yet untrodden will take you to destinations as yet unreached.” This aphorism originally penned by German publicist Peter E. Schumacher also...

Interview with Mads Faurholt-Jorgensen

Mads, you are a very well- known person in the start-up industry, how would you describe yourself to people who don’t know you yet?...

Interview with Max Wittrock

Max, since your company went online in 2007 some time has already passed by and much has been written about mymuesli’s success story already....

I-Society: How multi-optionality is pushing individualisation in the digital age

Why not? Deliberate choice vs loss of security ‘Why not?’ – is the most frequently posed question in a multioptional environment. It triggers changes in...