Erich Prinz von Lobkowicz, President and Knight of the Order of...

To an outsider the Order of Malta, as chivalric, religious order with knights and dames, may seem like a relict from medieval times. Why is...

Interview mit Wolfgang Grupp: Beständigkeit im Unternehmen schaffen

Sie haben seit 1969 dem Unternehmen Trigema nicht nur zu nachhaltigem Erfolg verholfen, sondern dieses auch geprägt. Gibt es trotzdem noch Herausforderungen, denen sie tagtäglich...

Playboy: Modest Bunnies – An Interview with CFO Christoph M. Pachler

Christoph M. Pachler is the Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer for Playboy Enterprises. Pachler joined Playboy in 2010 and is responsible for...

The Innovation Paradox in Family Firms

Family Firms and Innovation: the Puzzle Family firms are often portrayed as very traditional, even conservative organizations that treasure the status quo and are unwilling...

Private equity, growth equity and how to break into the industry...

Could you give us an introduction of KKR, tell us about your daily business and what the characteristics of private equity are to aid...

Neutral Switzerland

Neutral Switzerland – building bridges in a globalised world Why are Swiss coaches in the Bundesliga, the German national football league, so successful? One...

The Best of both Worlds

Since Henkel went public in 1985, total revenue has nearly quadrupled and the workforce has grown from 31,000 to about 50,000 employees worldwide. The concept that...

To trust the Past

Every now and again, a noisy crowd in strange disguises meanders through towns in the middle of Europe, leading a straw figure on a...

Trigema Nachfolge – Interview mit Bonita und Wolfgang Grupp

 In der Öffentlichkeit seid Ihr immer sehr formell gekleidet. Tragt Ihr in Eurer Freizeit Bekleidung von Trigema?  Bonita:  Natürlich tragen wir auch in unserer Freizeit Trigema....