TEDXHSG: An Interview with the Organizers of TEDxHSG 2016
What is the TED Philosophy and what role does the “x” factor play?
All: TED was founded 1984 as a conference where technology, entertainment...
Interview mit Wolfgang Grupp: Beständigkeit im Unternehmen schaffen
Sie haben seit 1969 dem Unternehmen Trigema nicht nur zu nachhaltigem Erfolg verholfen, sondern dieses auch geprägt. Gibt es trotzdem noch Herausforderungen, denen sie tagtäglich...
Interview with Max Wittrock
Max, since your company went online in 2007 some time has already passed by and much has been written about mymuesli’s success story already....
Interview with Alexander Osterwalder- Business Model Canvas
Please explain in three sentences, what the Business Model Canvas is.
The Business Modell Canvas is, simply said, a way of visually depicting business models....