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Finance & Economics

Sustainable Investing in volatilen Zeiten

Sie sind promovierte Rechtsanwältin, aber haben dennoch früh begonnen, in der Finanzbranche zu arbeiten und Ihren Fokus auf Sustainable Investing zu legen. Was hat...

Global Economy in 2050:

The world in 2015 is in a difficult situation and the outlook for 2050 is mixed at best. Globalisation means that the world’s economic...

Ethical Investments

In this article, monk and best-selling author Dr. Anselm Grün gives a spiritual and ethical perspective on capital, how he makes his investment decisions...

Interview mit Valentin Stalf CEO N26

In diesem Interview spricht N26-Mitgründer Valentin Stalf über sein Fintech, warum Amerika ein so verlockender Markt ist, wie die Bankenregulierung anders gestaltet werden sollte...

«Soft Landing? Brace for Impact» 

Die Welt befindet sich in stürmischer Lage. In scheinbar immer kürzeren Abständen treffen neue Schocks auf die Weltwirtschaft und damit auf die Bevölkerung. Ist...

Keeping the Competitive Edge

The Swiss economy has been under unprecedented pressure in recent years, staying competitive has become all the more difficult. National branding and Export promotion...

Energy regards us all

Energy regards us all – The oxygen of our economies Our daily life is powered by energy. Smartphones, computers, public traffic, street lights, machines and...

“Ultimately, the aim is to develop a corporate culture in which...

Antoinette Hunziker-Ebneter and her company Forma Futura Invest AG was one of the first companies to invest exclusively in sustainable companies. However, the former...

Capital for Purpose – But What Kind of Capital?

Youplus, an insurance company as a network As a young insurance company, we are revolutionizing the way we think about insurance. Starting in Eastern Europe...

Draghi’s Deflation Dilemma

At the US Federal Reserve's Jackson Hole Symposium, President Draghi of the European Central Bank indicated a growing concern about the threat of deflation...