For a new kind of interaction between man and machine

It’s a given that the automobile industry is currently undergoing the biggest change in its history – and the pace of change is actually...

Economic rationality and the optimization trap

The theme of this issue of the St. Gallen Business Review is “Harmony”. For this reason, we would like to discuss whether two aspects...

Bank stress testing – magic bullet or placebo?

Stress testing plays a major role in banks’ risk management. It is seen as a valuable complement to regular bank portfolio risk measurement in...

Wind of Change – Interview mit Klaus Meine Frontmann Scorpions

Klaus Meine hat als Frontmann der Scorpions den Kalten Krieg hautnah miterlebt. Mit dem Song „Wind of Change“ trugen sie ein Stück zur Geschichte...

Development of individuality and identity in start-ups: A future challenge for...

Business ideas often occur at the same time in the digital economy. And that is not a coincidence. Even if you start with comparable...

Euro and its consequences

Although the United States and United Kingdom have been back on the road to economic growth from some time, and enjoy low rates of...

Starke Unternehmer für neue Herausforderungen

Zurich Schweiz zeigte im ersten Jahrzehnt des neuen Jahrtausends Merkmale, die aus vielen erfolgreichen Unternehmen bekannt sind: Die Kundenorientierung drohte aufgrund der Fokussierung auf...